Executive Branch

July 16, 2024

Will Royce

Blog Post Executive BranchGovernment CapacityIndependent AgenciesRevolving Door

Former Trump Officials Wrote 25 of the 30 Chapters in the Project 2025 Playbook

Former President Trump has recently sought to distance himself from Project 2025 and its radical proposals, claiming that he knows “nothing about” it, has “no idea who is behind it,” and has “nothing to do with them.” Project 2025 has tried to create some distance as well, maintaining in a recent tweet that it is “not affiliated with former President Trump.” It’s a classic example of drawing a distinction without a difference.

June 27, 2024 | The American Prospect

Timi Iwayemi

Op-Ed Ethics in GovernmentExecutive BranchGovernanceRevolving Door

On Debate Night, Highlight How These Presidents Ran the Executive Branch

As election season heats up, it’s critical for reporters and editors to pair fresh coverage with clear reminders of the candidates’ records of administering the executive branch. An honest representation of these records would show how Trump and his hand-picked leadership treated the federal government as either their personal fief or a conduit for institutionalizing corporate interests.

June 24, 2024

Timi Iwayemi

Press Release Climate and EnvironmentDepartment of TransportationEducationEthics in GovernmentExecutive BranchFEMAFinancial RegulationHousingImmigrationLaborRevolving Door

RELEASE: New Memos Detail The Trump Administration’s Troubling Stewardship of the Federal Executive Branch

The memos, which cover a broad range of themes, including disaster and emergency management, labor, housing, transportation, financial regulation and more, highlight the myriad ways the former president and his cast of conflicted appointees prioritized corporate interests while jeopardizing the health, safety and wellbeing of the American people.

June 12, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown Andrea Beaty


Anti-MonopolyClimate and EnvironmentEthics in GovernmentExecutive Branch

Utilities Doubling Down On Fossil Fuels? That’s A Junk Fee!

In late May, Brian Deese, the former director of President Biden’s National Economic Council and current MIT fellow, wrote about “The Next Front in the War Against Climate Change” for The Atlantic. Deese explained that while the Inflation Reduction Act’s incentives have stimulated clean energy demand “beyond my wildest hopes,” he still finds himself “lying awake at night, worried that America could still fail to meet its climate goals.” 

June 11, 2024 | Slate

Toni Aguilar Rosenthal Jeff Hauser


2024 ElectionExecutive BranchState Attorneys General

The Worst Possible Trump Attorney General Is the One He’d Be Likeliest to Pick

Donald Trump’s Department of Justice was a nightmare. Jeff Sessions, Trump’s first attorney general, dismantled civil rights and civil liberties protections, instituted heinously cruel border policies, and vociferously attacked the right to vote. William Barr, Sessions’s ignominious successor, then used his time at DOJ’s helm to overtly weaponize the department against voters and Trump’s political opponents.

May 22, 2024

Emma Marsano

Blog PostNewsletter

Anti-MonopolyClimate and EnvironmentCryptocurrencyExecutive Branch

RDP Work Round-Up: Memorial Day Edition

As we head into Memorial Day Weekend, we’re taking some time to review recent work at Revolving Door Project—boosting pieces we want to make sure readers here see, and staying focused on priority areas for our team. Here’s hoping the extra time in your week gives you some space to go down a revolving rabbit hole (or two) with us, whether on the crypto industry’s continuing efforts to influence how they’re regulated, or on Scott Sheffield, the former fossil fuel CEO engaged in an oil price-fixing scheme.