Enforcement: The Untapped Resource

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Enforcement: The Untapped Resource

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What Biden Can Do Without Congress

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What Biden Can Do Without Congress

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Revolving Door Project Exposes Industry Agenda

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Revolving Door Project Exposes Industry Agenda

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The Revolving Door Project on Fighting Monopoly Power

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The Revolving Door Project on Fighting Monopoly Power

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About the Revolving Door Project

The Revolving Door Project (RDP) scrutinizes executive branch appointees to ensure they use their office to serve the broad public interest, rather than to entrench corporate power or seek personal advancement.


The Agency Spotlight

Agency Spotlight

The Agency Spotlight tracks appointments to leadership positions at thirty-nine independent federal agencies through the confirmation process and beyond. Additionally, for three agencies — the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) — the Spotlight monitors and exhibits key votes.

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Hackwatch is where we monitor the mainstream media’s favorite Democratic-leaning economic analysts for conflicts of interest, perverse incentives, and just flat-out erroneous reasoning. We identify who the bad actors are, explain why they’re compromised and wrong, and demand that outlets stop poisoning the information ecosystem with discredited neoliberal orthodoxy and start giving people access to other, better-informed perspectives.

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Supreme Transparency

Supreme Transparency

Supreme Transparency—a project of Take Back the Court, True North Research, and the Revolving Door Project—sheds light on an oft-overlooked way that the U.S. Supreme Court’s billionaire benefactors peddle influence: amicus briefs. The Supreme Transparency site exposes the more subtle yet no less destructive ways that right-wing amicus filers and oligarchic court-whisperers hold sway over SCOTUS.

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Our Blog

July 10, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

KJ Boyle

Newsletter Anti-MonopolyClimate and EnvironmentHackwatchRevolving DoorSupreme Court

RDP Work Roundup: 4th of July Edition

After a long 4th of July weekend, we figure this a good time to take a look back at the important work we’ve fired off over the last month or so. From analyses of Trump’s executive tenure to a take-down of a Big Oil myth pushed by compromised Democrats, here’s another edition of an RDP Work Roundup for you to digest along with your leftovers from holiday barbecues.

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