For a pundit that regularly writes on inflation and other economics issues, it’s interesting that Washington Post opinion columnist Catherine Rampell has yet to cover the recent Department of Justice lawsuit against RealPage for scheming with landlords to decrease competition in apartment rental pricing.
Interesting, yet unsurprising given her longstanding antagonism to the notion that seller’s inflation was a significant driver of price spikes during 2021 and 2022. We’ve called out this bias numerous times and her unwillingness to cover the RealPage scandal is yet another example.
The suit was announced on August 23, and Rampell hasn’t so much as mentioned it in any of her Post columns (or on her social media) since then. In fact, she hasn’t mentioned RealPage at all, despite the fact that allegations of wrongdoing against the Texas software firm have been circulating since October 2022 and the massive role housing costs play in inflation!