Congressional Oversight

January 10, 2019 | Rewire

Jeff Hauser


Congressional Oversight

It’s Time for Congress’ New Members to Use Their Long-Forgotten Oversight Powers

The dozens of newly elected Congressional Democrats sworn in last week are getting a lot of much-deserved attention. They are a diverse group who represent a wide variety of districts, but they are united by a common dilemma—how can junior members of a party that lacks control of the U.S. Senate or presidency make their mark with legislation?

Barring miracles, the sad fact is that over the next two years, they cannot.

November 17, 2018 | The Hill

Jeff Hauser


Congressional Oversight

Dems Must Wield Power Against the Powerful to Win Back Rural America

Much of the commentary surrounding the midterm elections focuses on the divide between increasingly Democratic metropolitan areas and increasingly intensely Republican rural and small-town America.

Some pundits and former elected officials claim an emphasis on “the opioid crisis” and rural economic development policy proposals can address Democrats’ weaknesses in areas with disproportionate power in the Senate.

October 17, 2018 | Rewire.News

Jeff Hauser


Congressional Oversight

To Win, Democrats Must Focus on Accountability

Many election analyses in the Trump era pose false choices for Democrats seeking to gain control of the U.S. Congress. That’s especially true in the abundant category of commentary and analysis asking: “What should Democrats do?”

Consider some of the classics of the “advice” genre: “Democrats should focus on health care, not Russia” or, “Trump’s appeal was based on economics, not racism.”