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Newsletter | Revolving Door Project Newsletter | September 7, 2022

What A Whole-Of-Government Climate Response Would Look Like

Climate and EnvironmentExecutive Branch

The executive branch can combat climate change, hold big polluters accountable, and make a tangible difference in the environment and economy for ordinary Americans.

This edition of the Revolving Door Project newsletter was originally published on our Substack. View and subscribe here.

This newsletter is taking the week off, but if you’re still itching to read about the Biden White House, we’ve got something for you. On Monday, the Revolving Door Project released a report seven months in the making: a comprehensive look at un- or under-utilized executive branch powers to combat climate change, hold big polluters accountable, and make a tangible difference in the environment and economy for ordinary Americans. Our press release on the report is here, and a two-page summary of some of the highlights is here.

Three of the co-authors — Toni Aguilar Rosenthal, Max Moran, and Aidan Smith of Data For Progress (who contributed in a personal capacity) — sat down with Allyson Chiu of the Washington Post to chat about the report too. Like they said, none of the proposals in the report are, on their own, sufficient to bring the US in line with its climate goals or prevent the worst effects of climate change. There’s no One Weird Trick to prevent societal collapse. But everything in the report is a necessary component of that transformation. And when Congress does pass a Green New Deal, it’ll still be up to the executive branch to actually implement the suite of bills.

We deliberately looked beyond the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Interior in the report. Whenever we or others have proposed integrating climate concerns into other parts of the administrative state over the last few years, a chorus of conservatives and centrists have scoffed that well, actually, that would be overreach because those other agencies don’t have the word “environment” in their name. (Really insightful, guys.) 

Unfortunately, climate change doesn’t work like that. It’s already affecting every single aspect of society, so every single part of the government should be doing what it can do to alleviate the pain through its powers and mandates. More broadly, we want to encourage readers to think about the executive branch holistically. Corporate capture of one part of the bureaucracy tends to have spillover effects on the rest of the government, but the reverse is also true: real leaders in one part of the administration can up the bar for their colleagues, and all of society benefits as a result.

We also don’t claim that this report is exhaustive or all-inclusive. For one, scholars are thinking of new, creative ways to apply existing, Congressionally authorized state power to the climate crisis every day, and we hope that work like this will inspire even more creativity and scholarship. Moreover, our peers at other organizations have put out other, fantastic reports on other executive branch approaches to these problems — we especially strongly endorse the Center for Biological Diversity’s report on declaring a climate emergency. Our report is additive to that work, not competitive with it. (A true “all-of-the-above” climate strategy, if you will, minus the murderous indulgence of the fossil fuel industry.)

We’ll be back with more of our usual analysis next week. In the meantime, check out the report, and if you like what you see, please share widely.

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Climate and EnvironmentExecutive Branch

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