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Letter | April 22, 2020

Letter: Watchdog Groups Call On Democratic Leadership To Encourage Shalala Resignation

Congressional Oversight

Read the letter in PDF format here.

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, and Whip Clyburn:

We write to urge you to encourage Rep. Donna Shalala to step down from the Congressional Oversight Commission. Recent news reports concerning Rep. Shalala’s potential conflicts of interest and possibly illegal or unethical activities raise significant concerns about her ability to discharge her duties, her judgment, and her ability to be viewed as conducting her oversight duties impartially and without distraction. The nature of the complaints do not lend themselves to immediate resolution, and we do not want her to be distracted by those complaints or to distract the Commission from its essential work on behalf of the American people. 

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this matter. 

Sincerely yours,

Demand Progress Education Fund
Revolving Door Project

Congressional Oversight

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