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Blog Post | January 21, 2021

Biden Must Fire All Of Trump's Cronies Immediately

2020 Election/TransitionExecutive Branch
Biden Must Fire All Of Trump's Cronies Immediately

Joe Biden has been sworn in as the nation’s 46th President. Donald Trump’s disastrous four years in office have finally come to an end. 

But Biden must take one simple step to ensure that Trumpism, not just Trump, steps out the door of the White House, once and for all. He must find a moment to fire all of those Trump appointees who will not presumptively leave along with their disgraced former employer. The time for giving the benefit of the doubt to these figures — people who have remained in their seats despite the administration’s atrocities and who have been loyal enough to avoid Trump’s penchant for firings — has passed.

Biden has already made a promising start by getting the resignations of Trump’s CFPB Director and USAGM CEO, and by firing Peter Robb, Trump’s union-busting NLRB General Counsel (Biden has fired Robb’s deputy, too). He must finish the job by sending all of Trump’s cronies packing.

Here is a (not necessarily comprehensive) list of those Biden should fire:

  • Director of the FBI
  • Director of the FHFA 
  • Inspectors General 
  • Director of the IRS 
  • Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the Social Security Administration
  • US Attorneys

For more, read our memos on DeTrumpification

2020 Election/TransitionExecutive Branch

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