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Blog Post | October 3, 2024

The Harris Campaign Doesn't Need Adam Kovacevich's Advice

Anti-MonopolyLaborRevolving DoorTech

Adam Kovacevich, founder and CEO of the Big Tech trade group Chamber for Progress, took issue with our piece in The American Prospect calling on a potential President Harris to staff her administration with people who have a history of serving the public interest. Kovacevich, conversely, believes that Harris needs appointees with corporate backgrounds. To Kovacevich, a lifetime of government service does not count as “hands-on experience” for appointees whose main job will be, well, governing.

In addition to his litany of Big Tech connections and friendship with far right Senator Tom Cotton, Kovacevich began his political career as a Harvard undergrad successfully fighting a grape boycott organized by labor unions. Around the same time, his family’s non-union grape farm was fined thousands of dollars by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration for “serious violations.”

Usually we wouldn’t hold someone’s bad college opinions against them, but Kovacevich is still proud of his campaign—he boasts about it in his current work bio. 


As a campaign buoyed by widespread union support, Harris need not take staffing advice from picket line-crossing, Big Tech-funded Adam Kovacevich.

Anti-MonopolyLaborRevolving DoorTech

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