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Blog Post | August 19, 2021

Key Points On Jerome Powell's Union-Busting, Fossil Fuel-Investing Private Equity Record

Executive BranchFederal ReserveRevolving Door
Key Points On Jerome Powell's Union-Busting, Fossil Fuel-Investing Private Equity Record

The following points are taken from Revolving Door Project’s extensive research document on Jerome Powell’s private-sector record, which includes work at union-busting and fossil fuel-investing firms. The full document can be read here.

Powell and union-busting

Powell and fossil fuel

  • From 2008 – 2010, Powell worked for the private equity firm Global Environment Fund, which invested in natural gas and forest harvesting companies.

PHOTO CREDIT: “Brookings Fellow Douglas J. Elliott and Jerome H. Powell, governor on the Federal Reserve Board, discuss world finance” by BrookingsInst is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Executive BranchFederal ReserveRevolving Door

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