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Blog Post | August 6, 2021

Revolving Door Project's Case Against Renominating Jerome Powell

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Revolving Door Project's Case Against Renominating Jerome Powell

For the sake of American workers, racial justice, financial security, and the climate, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell should not be renominated for a second term. There is no shortage of qualified candidates to replace Powell. The sole quality in his favor — his embrace of low interest rates and dovish monetary policy — is far from unique to his leadership, and considering that plentiful other potential Governors would maintain this policy, it does not outweigh his many deregulations and derelictions of duty. Here is the Revolving Door Project’s case against renominating Jerome Powell.

This post will be updated over time.

Press Release

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Blog Posts

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Research File

Jerome Powell, The Carlyle Group, And Organized Labor

PHOTO: “Governor Jerome Powell speaks at Brookings panel, ‘Are there structural issues in U.S. bond markets?'” by BrookingsInst is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Executive BranchFederal ReserveRevolving Door

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