Ethics in Government

June 12, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown Andrea Beaty


Anti-MonopolyClimate and EnvironmentEthics in GovernmentExecutive Branch

Utilities Doubling Down On Fossil Fuels? That’s A Junk Fee!

In late May, Brian Deese, the former director of President Biden’s National Economic Council and current MIT fellow, wrote about “The Next Front in the War Against Climate Change” for The Atlantic. Deese explained that while the Inflation Reduction Act’s incentives have stimulated clean energy demand “beyond my wildest hopes,” he still finds himself “lying awake at night, worried that America could still fail to meet its climate goals.” 

May 01, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown

Newsletter Congressional OversightCriminal JusticeDepartment of JusticeEthics in Government

Merrick Garland’s Delay May Mean Justice Denied

Last week, the Supreme Court mulled over whether the former president (the “very stable genius” who pushed a “miracle cure” for COVID later tied to 17,000 avoidable deaths) should be prescribed his own miracle cure: presidential immunity for the crimes he is charged with committing while in office. 

April 18, 2024

Timi Iwayemi

Public Comment

Corporate CrackdownEthics in GovernmentTreasury Department

Advocacy Groups Comment On Biden Administration Rule To Combat Money Laundering In The Real Estate Sector

The Revolving Door Project joined Transparency International and other advocacy groups to provide comments on the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s (“FinCEN”) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) to combat and deter money laundering in the U.S. residential real estate sector by increasing transparency.

April 18, 2024

Jeff Hauser Sarah Lipton-Lubet Lisa Graves

Press Release Ethics in GovernmentJudiciarySupreme Court

RELEASE: Watchdog Orgs And Court Reform Advocates Debut New Database Cataloging Right-Wing Groups' Amicus Briefs, Connections To SCOTUS Justices

Today, Take Back the Court, Revolving Door Project, and True North Research released a new database highlighting the troubling connections between the Supreme Court’s right-wing justices, the right-wing organizations that have weighed in on cases before the court, and the major donors funding them

April 09, 2024 | The Texas Observer

Toni Aguilar Rosenthal


Ethics in GovernmentState Attorneys General


The attorney general’s close ties to Texas’ right-wing think tank and its large network of uber-wealthy donors and special interests.

Ken Paxton has spent almost the entirety of his decade leading the Office of the Texas Attorney General while also under felony indictment for alleged securities fraud. Yet, like every other time Paxton has faced allegations of wrongdoing, including misuse of office, retaliatory firings, and criminal misdeeds, he has once again managed to evade real punishment. By no small measure, this has been enabled by Paxton’s masterful use of state resources to court (and to bolster) the influence of extremely well-funded conservative legal organizations and networks, at the expense of the public interests he is supposed to represent, and to defend.

March 29, 2024 | The American Prospect

Timi Iwayemi Alex Moss

Op-Ed Congressional OversightEthics in GovernmentPatent and Trademark OfficePharmaRevolving Door

Senators’ Latest Attempt to Enrich Big Pharma Must Not Prevail

The patent system exists to promote scientific innovation to benefit the public, not to enrich private interests regardless of the merits of their scientific contributions. Yet that is precisely what PERA and PREVAIL would do by granting Big Pharma even more sweeping government monopolies and associated price-gouging power.

March 18, 2024

Andrea Beaty

Press Release Anti-MonopolyCongressional OversightEthics in Government

RELEASE: Virginia General Assembly Must Investigate Leonard Leo’s Influence On State’s Largest Public Research University

Today, the Revolving Door Project, Take Back the Court Action Fund, People’s Parity Project, Freedom BLOC and the George Mason University chapter of the American Association of University Professors sent a letter to members of the Virginia General Assembly calling on them to investigate Leonard Leo in regard to his undue influence on George Mason University. The groups called on the state legislature to investigate what Leo-tied activities are taking place under the aegis of a state school.