Ethics in Government

December 06, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown


Climate and EnvironmentCongressional OversightEthics in GovernmentRight-Wing Media

The “Billionaire Matchmaker” and his Bad Amici

How does one right-wing activist get his worst ideas to appear in the legal decisions of the most powerful judges in America? A bombshell Politico investigation this week has the answers on how rightwing activist and “billionaire matchmaker” Leonard Leo managed to influence the outcome of several of the Supreme Court’s highest-profile and most damaging decisions over the past two years.

November 20, 2023

Toni Aguilar Rosenthal

Blog Post Ethics in GovernmentState Attorneys General

In Stop Cop City RICO Prosecutions, Chris Carr Shows His Office Is For Sale

On November 7th, Atlanta saw nearly 60 people arraigned on an assortment of charges, including racketeering. The arraignment is the next step in the legal process begun last month when Georgia’s Republican State Attorney General Chris Carr filed racketeering charges against 61 people, most of whom were or are associated with the 2020 George Floyd protests in Atlanta and/or the Stop Cop City movement in the city.

September 06, 2023 | The American Prospect

Timi Iwayemi

Op-Ed Ethics in GovernmentIntellectual PropertyPatent and Trademark OfficeRevolving Door

The Revolving Door Threatens the Integrity of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

More problematically, conflicts of interest have plagued the USPTO, including at the highest levels. Trump-era USPTO director Andrei Iancu was far too cozy with patent law firms while he served in government. Iancu came in via the revolving door from patent litigation firm Irell & Manella, where he earned $4,733,748 as a managing partner in the year before he was nominated, and went out the door and back to the firm when his term was up. He is now a partner in Sullivan & Cromwell’s patent practice.

September 06, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

KJ Boyle

Newsletter 2024 ElectionEthics in GovernmentIndependent AgenciesJudiciaryLabor

Cracking Down on Judicial Corruption & Celebrating Pro-Labor Rulemaking

With Labor Day now behind us, Hot Labor Summer has come to a scorching end, but the labor movement is alive and well with several heavyweight bouts looming on the horizon. This transition time is the perfect moment to take stock of the Biden administration’s labor allyship — applauding recent rulemaking efforts, highlighting some shortcomings, and previewing some potential labor strikes coming this fall.

September 01, 2023

Ananya Kalahasti Will Royce

Press Release Ethics in GovernmentHealthJudiciaryPharma

RELEASE: Judge Invested in Big Pharma Shouldn't Try Case on Big Pharma Profiteering

The Revolving Door Project’s Ananya Kalahasti and Will Royce released the following statement regarding the US Chamber of Commerce’s lawsuit regarding the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare prescription drug negotiation program, and a financial conflict of interest regarding the judge in the Southern District of Ohio.