April 21, 2023
The Case Of Too Many 'Flations

April 19, 2023
Amid Reports of Block’s Alleged Criminality, How Does Board Member Larry Summers Manage His Multiple Corporate Engantlements?
It’s high time that members of the press who regularly turn to Summers for his views on the economy begin questioning him on how he is able to adequately perform his multiple advisory roles and moreover, why there is a pattern of illegality at firms he advises. Or they could simply toss him to the aether, and platform non-conflicted experts instead.
April 17, 2023 | RDP Newsletter
Is Larry Summers Exempt From Editors' Notes?
March 31, 2023
Hack Watch: Steve Rattner, SVB, And Selective Expertise
A wealth manager with a history of breaking the rules should not be the authority on bank regulation.

March 24, 2023
CNBC Airs Falsehoods And Parrots Landlord Lobbyists To Trash Rent Control
Corporate media continues to carry water for Big Real Estate by presenting industry-aligned talking heads as neutral “experts”.
March 10, 2023
The Willow Project Is Not A "Both Sides" Story

March 03, 2023
Media Continues To Rehabilitate Disgraced Former Fed Vice Chair
Insider-trading can’t keep Powell’s right-hand man from becoming CNBC’s new favorite expert.
February 10, 2023
Journalists' Lack Of Understanding Distorts Economic Coverage
There’s a lot to gripe about when discussing the Beltway media class in the United States. Progressives at groups like FAIR and Media Matters have spent years rightfully criticizing the press for access journalism, the ever-present need to equate perspectives from both major parties, and corporate-sponsored PR published under the facade of a news article. But a recent study of biases present in the BBC’s coverage of UK politics may help us understand yet another major failing of our media. Journalists lack an understanding of basic economic principles, leading them to unwittingly flawed reporting.

February 03, 2023
Media Helps Corporate Landlords Spin Biden’s Watered-Down Renter Protection Plan
Mainstream outlets are failing to tell the full story on the White House’s new tenant protection actions.
January 13, 2023
Hackwatch: New York Times Uses Bahamian Third Person To Carry Weight For A Con
January 06, 2023
Why Are We Reading Jamie Dimon's Eighth-Grade Social Studies Essay?

October 21, 2022 | Common Dreams
Kroger Goes From Supermarket to Superpower
Is the corporate media doing a good enough job of explaining the machinations and implications of a merger between the nation’s two largest grocery chains?