
February 16, 2022 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Eleanor Eagan


Congressional OversightCryptocurrencyDepartment of JusticeEconomic PolicyFinancial Regulation

Is Crypto Experiencing Inflation in the Price of Revolvers?

Inflation, it’s all anyone can seem to talk about. With prices rising at their fastest rate in more than three decades, the White House is understandably looking for ways to get things under control. Rhetorically, they’ve pointed their finger at corporate greed, highlighting the stark contradiction between companies’ claims that price hikes are unavoidable and their record profits (which, by definition, mean they can raise prices faster than their costs are rising). Action to follow that diagnosis, however, has been more muted. That is not because they don’t have options at their disposal.

July 27, 2021 | Washington Monthly

Sion Bell Timi Iwayemi


CryptocurrencyFinancial RegulationFintech

How to Catch Bitcoin Tax Cheats

Crypto is a global phenomenon, and one with a rapidly growing capacity to upend tax administration worldwide. The U.S. has been slow to act to combat this threat, but clever use of extant unilateral and multilateral laws on information sharing and programs that capitalize on expertise and information outside government provide opportunities for much better protection against tax evasion. If Biden and his administration are committed to closing tax loopholes, they must use every tool available.