August 18, 2023
Memo to the Media: Stop Quoting RealPage
A company under federal antitrust investigation for helping landlords jack up rents is not a reliable or independent source.
August 14, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Blog
Stop Trying To Dunk On Consumers
Let’s just admit economic media’s talking heads are out of touch
July 28, 2023
The Democratic Party Has Moved Past Larry Summers. Why Can’t The Media?
Reporters Need To Toss Outdated Rolodexes And Contact New Economic Minds. If Summers Can’t Even Stand Moderate Democratic Policy Priorities, How Can He Be A “Democratic” Talking Head?

July 21, 2023
Can We Keep This Anonymous?
Irresponsible press coverage isn’t limited to Washington as Hollywood journalists take cues from Trump’s White House Press Corps by providing anonymity to sources where there should be none

July 21, 2023 | The Sling
The Inane Indignation Around Sellers’ Inflation
Conventional economists have been bristling about sellers’ inflation being presented as an alternative to the more staid explanation of a wage-price spiral (we’ll come back to that), but in recent months there have been extremely aggressive (and often condescending, self-important, and factually incorrect) attacks on the idea and its proponents. Despite this, sellers’ inflation really is not that far from a lot of long standing economic theory, and the idea is grounded in key assumptions about firm behavior that are deeply held across most economic models.

June 30, 2023 | Common Dreams
Right-Wing Activists, Not Asian Americans, Killed Affirmative Action
Conservative legal strategists leveraged the Asian American community into their fight against affirmative action. The media continues to let them hide and evade blame.
June 30, 2023
Hack Watch: The Dangerous Cult Of The Entrepreneurial “Innovator”
It shouldn’t take a catastrophe for reporters to critically engage with entrepreneurial notions of so-called innovation.
June 09, 2023
Hack Watch: End Crypto’s Presumption Of Legitimacy and Other Quick Hits
It’s Time That The Media Accept What Even Wall Street And Venture Capitalists Have – Crypto Is One Massive Grift. Those Involved With It Should Be Treated Accordingly.

May 26, 2023
RELEASE: Revolving Door Project Reacts to Biden’s Debt Ceiling Cave & the Media’s Incompetent Coverage
In response to the emergence of the structure of a potential deal between President Biden and Speaker McCarthy, Revolving Door Project Executive Director Jeff Hauser issued the following statement:
“There are three aspects to the substance and coverage of this debate that have been infuriating.”
May 26, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
Hack Watch: Everyone’s So Worried About The President Getting Sued About the Debt Ceiling, No One Seems to Have Noticed He Already Was
May 19, 2023
It’s Time To Discuss The Real Stakes Of Negotiating The Debt Ceiling
May 12, 2023
The Right And Wrong Ways To Interview Elite Economists

May 09, 2023 | Common Dreams
Not Every “Former Antitrust Official” Is a Neutral Expert
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and DOJ Antitrust Division have long served as an essential stop for antitrust experts looking to maximize opportunities, influence, and compensation at BigLaw firms and monopolistic corporations. By spending some time learning the ins and outs of government investigations and enforcement efforts, revolvers are seen by potential corporate employers to be better equipped to assist corporations in antitrust lawsuits against their former government employers.
May 05, 2023
The Pro-Powell Camp Was Completely, Disastrously Wrong
April 28, 2023