Corporate Crackdown

April 03, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown


Corporate CrackdownGovernanceGovernment CapacityRight-Wing Media

Who’s Afraid of the “Deep State”?

Show me a politician rabble-rousing about “unelected bureaucrats” running the country, and I’ll show you someone who wants those bureaucrats to be serving their interests, not the country’s. Show me a company crying foul about government overreach, and I’ll show you a company trying to get away with—in some cases, literally—murder. 

February 28, 2024

Emma Marsano

Newsletter Corporate CrackdownExecutive Branch

Government Shutdown Threats Allow GOP to Signal to Corporate Cronies It’s Open Season on Consumers

We’re staring down a familiar deadline this week: On Friday, if Congress doesn’t pass a spending bill, we’ll enter a partial government shutdown. And if they pass a short term continuing resolution… we’ll have just kicked the can a few weeks down the increasingly potholed (due to inadequate maintenance) road.