June 24, 2024
Press Release Climate and EnvironmentDepartment of TransportationEducationEthics in GovernmentExecutive BranchFEMAFinancial RegulationHousingImmigrationLaborProject 2025Revolving Door
RELEASE: New Memos Detail The Trump Administration’s Troubling Stewardship of the Federal Executive Branch
The memos, which cover a broad range of themes, including disaster and emergency management, labor, housing, transportation, financial regulation and more, highlight the myriad ways the former president and his cast of conflicted appointees prioritized corporate interests while jeopardizing the health, safety and wellbeing of the American people.

March 01, 2024
An RDP Explanation Of The Texas Border Dispute
A deeper dive into the facts and figures responsible for the latest immigration standoff between Republicans and the Biden administration.

July 15, 2021 | The American Prospect
To Build Back Better, Biden Needs to Promptly Staff the Department of Justice
Numerous positions are vacant, threatening progress in a host of areas.

July 07, 2021
Coalition Tells Biden, "Deference to the Trump DOJ" is "Unwarranted" and "Unjust"
Survivors of sexual assault were hurt to learn that the Department of Justice chose to continue to defend Donald Trump in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation suit against the former president. Unfortunately, this is but one example of many in which Merrick Garland’s Justice Department has maintained flawed legal positions of the Trump administration which contravene not only the administration’s goals, but basic norms of American democracy. While the Attorney General may be motivated by an attempt to maintain the appearance of impartiality at the DOJ, the institutional goal must be to achieve just outcomes; deference to the Trump DOJ under the guise of impartiality is not only unwarranted, it is unjust. The flawed legal positions the Department has been adopting or maintaining in case after case contravene this goal. These positions have already had disastrous repercussions.

May 11, 2021
Garland's DOJ Needs To Prioritize Fixing Our Broken Immigration Court System
Two recent pieces from The Hill and the New York Times have called much-needed attention to the dismal state of immigration courts in this country. Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice (DOJ), which oversees the immigration court system, has thus far failed to root out white supremacy and adequately staff the system, leaving hundreds of thousands of migrants in precarious legal–and physical–positions.