Right-Wing Media

April 03, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown


Corporate CrackdownGovernanceGovernment CapacityRight-Wing Media

Who’s Afraid of the “Deep State”?

Show me a politician rabble-rousing about “unelected bureaucrats” running the country, and I’ll show you someone who wants those bureaucrats to be serving their interests, not the country’s. Show me a company crying foul about government overreach, and I’ll show you a company trying to get away with—in some cases, literally—murder. 

December 06, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown


Climate and EnvironmentCongressional OversightEthics in GovernmentRight-Wing Media

The “Billionaire Matchmaker” and his Bad Amici

How does one right-wing activist get his worst ideas to appear in the legal decisions of the most powerful judges in America? A bombshell Politico investigation this week has the answers on how rightwing activist and “billionaire matchmaker” Leonard Leo managed to influence the outcome of several of the Supreme Court’s highest-profile and most damaging decisions over the past two years.

February 10, 2023

Henry Burke

Blog Post

Economic PolicyLarry SummersMedia AccountabilityRight-Wing Media

Journalists' Lack Of Understanding Distorts Economic Coverage

There’s a lot to gripe about when discussing the Beltway media class in the United States. Progressives at groups like FAIR and Media Matters have spent years rightfully criticizing the press for access journalism, the ever-present need to equate perspectives from both major parties, and corporate-sponsored PR published under the facade of a news article. But a recent study of biases present in the BBC’s coverage of UK politics may help us understand yet another major failing of our media. Journalists lack an understanding of basic economic principles, leading them to unwittingly flawed reporting.

October 28, 2022

Hannah Story Brown

Hackwatch Ethics in GovernmentGovernment CapacityIndependent AgenciesMarc GoldweinRight-Wing Media

Hack Watch: Debunking the Big Budget Bogeyman

It seems pretty incontestable that a big part of the media’s job is “informing the public of things they need to know.” Accordingly, the media’s coverage of how the government spends money is a spectacular example of how it fails. Congress has enabled a vacuum of sensible, accessible information about the appropriations bills it’s supposed to pass each year to fund government activity, and the media has not stepped in to fill the void.

April 20, 2022 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Eleanor Eagan Daniel Boguslaw


CabinetCorporate CrackdownEthics in GovernmentRight-Wing Media

RDP Meets Its Evil Twin

Here at Revolving Door Project, we spend a significant portion of our time working to explain how and why executive branch positions matter. Our team members have collectively published tens of thousands of words detailing the tools executive agencies have to help regular people and insisting that this administration make full use of them.

April 08, 2021

Vishal Shankar

Blog Post CabinetDepartment of JusticeEthics in GovernmentExecutive BranchRevolving DoorRight-Wing MediaTreasury Department

Biden Cabinet Confirmations Show Continued Political Potency Of Revolving Door Critiques

The prolonged confirmation fights for top Biden nominees proved one thing: Republicans will gleefully and cynically exploit anti-corruption critiques of Biden’s Cabinet for their own political purposes. The President must deny them this potent political weapon by closing corporate America’s revolving door for good.

January 05, 2021

Vishal Shankar Zena Wolf

Blog Post 2020 Election/TransitionCabinetExecutive BranchFinancial RegulationRevolving DoorRight-Wing MediaTech

Biden Should Beware The Right-Wing's Revolving Door Attacks

Fresh off defending Donald Trump’s historic corruption, conservatives have begun attacking President-elect Biden for his nominees’ ties to Big Tech, Wall Street, and corporate lobbying. While these attacks are transparently hypocritical, they are not without factual substance and could prove to be a major political liability for Democrats unless they commit to adopting much-needed ethics reforms.