Our Blog

August 02, 2021 | The Forge
How DOJ Can Defund the Police
One year ago, Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd sparked an international rebellion against police violence. From this historic uprising, a longtime demand from the Black Lives Matter movement to end mass incarceration and police violence by defunding the police became a part of mainstream discourse. Local campaigns like #defundNYPD and national studies like Freedom to Thrive: Reimagining Safety and Security in Our Communities have fleshed out the meaning of defund, envisioning municipal and state budgets that invest in social safety nets over criminalization. But the executive branch ― the branch of government that creates the rules and regulations that guide the execution of federal law ― remains under-examined as a lever to effect systemic change.
August 02, 2021
No, Biden Can't Just "Appoint a Strong Vice Chair of Supervision"
Many have argued that Biden should ignore Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s deregulatory record as he weighs Powell’s reappointment, because the President can achieve his financial regulatory goals by appointing a strong vice chair of supervision. This does not add up.

July 29, 2021
Biden's Executive Order Promises Relief For Farmers. Will It Deliver?
The administration’s staffing vacancies could undermine Biden’s promise to help family farms fight Big Ag monopolies.

July 29, 2021
Who Would Be A Better Fed Chair Than Powell?
In the last few months, Revolving Door Project has been quite public about our opposition to renominating Jerome Powell for a second term as Chair of the Federal Reserve.

July 29, 2021 | The American Prospect
How Biden Can Profitably Piss Off Republicans
Promoting good policy can also compel the GOP to defend the indefensible.

July 28, 2021
Revolver Spotlight: Elizabeth Fowler
Fowler, a former Johnson & Johnson executive, is the latest Biden hire to spin through Pharma’s revolving door.
July 27, 2021
FOIA For Staff Lists and Leadership Directories
Transparency surrounding the identities of the country’s senior-most political leaders should be a given. Unfortunately, the federal government presently falls short in this regard. Inconsistent and insufficient standards for publishing and maintaining leadership and senior staff directories makes it difficult, if not impossible, to learn who occupies hundreds of critical roles throughout the federal government.
July 27, 2021 | Washington Monthly
How to Catch Bitcoin Tax Cheats
Crypto is a global phenomenon, and one with a rapidly growing capacity to upend tax administration worldwide. The U.S. has been slow to act to combat this threat, but clever use of extant unilateral and multilateral laws on information sharing and programs that capitalize on expertise and information outside government provide opportunities for much better protection against tax evasion. If Biden and his administration are committed to closing tax loopholes, they must use every tool available.

July 23, 2021 | American Prospect
It's Big Business As Usual For Biden's Ambassadorship Picks
If Biden is emerging as an anti-monopoly president, then why is he rewarding Cohen, a fixer for one of the go-to examples of monopoly power in America? More importantly, if he hopes to redeem American democracy from Trumpism, why is Biden rewarding the political strategist for a company that does not care about basic voting rights, especially for Black people?

July 23, 2021
Trump Picked A Climate-Skeptical Insurance Lobbyist For A Key Regulatory Council. Biden Hasn't Fired Him Yet.
Workman came with exactly zero experience as an insurance regulator, but plenty of experience from the opposite side of the courtroom: for 17 years, he’d been the President and CEO of the life insurance industry’s main lobbying group in the state of New York, the Life Insurance Council of New York (LICONY).

July 22, 2021
The Industry Agenda: Big Pharma
In 2019, Gallup found that the pharmaceutical industry was “the most poorly regarded industry in Americans’ eyes,” and rightfully so. Pharmaceutical companies often set drug prices exorbitantly high, including life-saving drugs which patients literally cannot go without, such as insulin. This includes older drugs that are cheaper to produce — such as epinephrine (emergency medication used to treat severe allergic reactions and asthma attacks). These firms achieve this by stifling competition at the consumer’s expense, jealously protecting their money-makers from the generics which the pharmaceutical system is supposed to develop after a patent expires.

July 20, 2021
FERC Nominee Must Be Independent From Utilities Driving Climate Crisis And Hurting Consumers
June 30th marked the last official day of Republican Neil Chatterjee’s term as a commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Despite FERC’s obscurity, it is a critically important independent agency of the federal government that regulates the interstate transmission of oil, gas, and electricity, and reviews proposals to build gas terminals and pipelines. As of July 1st, a new commissioner nominated by President Biden and confirmed by the Senate could have stepped in, giving the five-seat board a Democratic majority. Biden has thus far failed to begin that process, so Chatterjee will remain serving an expired term until Biden appoints and the Senate confirms someone new.

July 19, 2021
Treasury Nominee Graham Steele Represents Exactly Who Should Staff The Executive Branch
Graham’s history fighting for the public against the predations of and systemic risks posed by Wall Street, and now the fossil fuel industry, speaks for itself.

July 16, 2021
With Rumored USPTO Pick, Biden Prioritized Patronage Over Patent Reform
After months of delay, Biden is rumored to have selected a new Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) acceptable to Delaware Senator Chris Coons. If true, that will mean Biden has sacrificed a critical opportunity to catalyze bold patent reform in the service of political patronage. Reports have indicated that Biden offered Coons, who expressed hope that coronavirus might be a “sword” for stronger IP protections, the power to decide the next USPTO Director as a consolation prize for not having been named Secretary of State.

July 16, 2021
Revolver Spotlight: Chris Coons
Rumors that Delaware Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) has had a hand in nominating the new U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Director are extremely worrisome given Coons’ coziness with the Big Pharma industry and willingness to vote against his own party to benefit large corporations. Coons has a long record of proposing and passing legislation (often with far-right Republicans) to benefit Big Pharma companies, at the expense of consumers and small businesses. While harmful to the general public, Coons’ legislation has directly benefited his family’s medical device manufacturer, enriching himself. His record and blatant disregard for consumer welfare should exclude him from any conversations about executive branch personnel.