Ethics in Government

September 03, 2024

Hannah Story Brown

Blog Post

Climate and EnvironmentEthics in GovernmentRevolving Door

Political Appointees Need A Bright Line Ethics Rule: No Individual Stocks

The Revolving Door Project has previously proposed that the Biden administration pass an executive order enshrining a strongest-ever ethics commitment for executive branch political appointees. Among other things, this commitment would include a pledge not to own individual stocks while in public office. A new Inspector General report on the ethical minefield of a high-level EPA appointee who owns dozens of individual companies’ stocks demonstrates why this sort of simple, clear ethics rule is essential for increasing trust in government.

July 29, 2024

Hannah Story Brown

Press Release

Climate and EnvironmentEthics in GovernmentRevolving Door

RELEASE: The Gas Export Industry Is Pouring Millions Into Shaping The Narrative

Gas industry influence groups Natural Allies for a Clean Energy Future and the Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE Coalition) are reportedly hosting an event on Capitol Hill on Tuesday with Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). The event seeks to bring attention to a new report they’re releasing downplaying the lifecycle emissions of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as the Energy Department works to update its impact analysis for permitting new gas exports. Founded and funded by LNG industry players, the groups are vocal proponents of expanding methane gas exports, aiming to frame exports as a climate solution despite their outsized greenhouse gas emissions and toxic local air pollution. 

June 27, 2024 | The American Prospect

Timi Iwayemi

Op-Ed Ethics in GovernmentExecutive BranchGovernanceProject 2025Revolving Door

On Debate Night, Highlight How These Presidents Ran the Executive Branch

As election season heats up, it’s critical for reporters and editors to pair fresh coverage with clear reminders of the candidates’ records of administering the executive branch. An honest representation of these records would show how Trump and his hand-picked leadership treated the federal government as either their personal fief or a conduit for institutionalizing corporate interests.

June 24, 2024

Timi Iwayemi

Press Release Climate and EnvironmentDepartment of TransportationEducationEthics in GovernmentExecutive BranchFEMAFinancial RegulationHousingImmigrationLaborProject 2025Revolving Door

RELEASE: New Memos Detail The Trump Administration’s Troubling Stewardship of the Federal Executive Branch

The memos, which cover a broad range of themes, including disaster and emergency management, labor, housing, transportation, financial regulation and more, highlight the myriad ways the former president and his cast of conflicted appointees prioritized corporate interests while jeopardizing the health, safety and wellbeing of the American people.