Media Accountability

January 12, 2024

Henry Burke

Hackwatch Artificial IntelligenceCryptocurrencyLarry SummersMedia Accountability

AI Evangelists Won’t Stop Highlighting The Danger Of Their Technology. Can 2024 Be The Year Journalists Stop Parroting Their Claims?

The zero-interest-rate epoch of Silicon Valley is over, and with it, startup grifters are working overtime to ensure their promises of technological revolution are worthy of investment. Can the media learn something from the crypto bubble and start interrogating those espousing revolutionary technological progress?

November 08, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown

Newsletter Climate and EnvironmentExecutive BranchMedia Accountability

We Can’t Afford Supply Side Liberals’ Climate Strategy

All that this administration has done to make renewables easier and cheaper to build in this country is threatened by the administration’s simultaneous willingness to let U.S. fossil fuel companies continue to extract the massive reserves of oil and gas still in the ground, and, increasingly, to export it abroad. We share one global atmosphere. There is no decarbonizing America—no avoiding climate change reshaping the possibilities for life on this planet—without keeping our massive oil and gas reserves in the ground.