Our Blog

November 01, 2022
Gina Raimondo Should (Still) Fire NHC Acting Director Jamie Rhome
Last month, Jamie Rhome, the current Acting Director of the National Hurricane Center (NHC), effectively rejected settled climate science while discussing the then-potential severity and impact of Hurricane Ian. In that interview, Rhome said he would “caution against” linking the intensity of Hurricane Ian to climate change. To be clear, there is no question or ambiguity on this link. The worsening severity of extreme weather events as a result of climate change is something that has been firmly established, for years, by other federal agencies – like NASA – and also by international research bodies – like the National Academies – which makes Rhome’s refusal to do so all the more baffling.

October 31, 2022 | The American Prospect
How Governing Can Motivate Politics
An alternate vision for how Democrats could bring the fight to the midterms by taking action in Congress and the White House

October 31, 2022
Blog Post Congressional OversightDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of JusticeEthics in Government
A Crisis Of (Un)Accountability: Amidst Profound Political Cruelty, Ethics Matter More Than Ever
The news was flooded in September with images, reports, and increasingly abhorrent context for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ trafficking of migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard as a political stunt. DeSantis’ actions, and those of his aides, are of course potentially illegal, as was asserted by a Texas sheriff who opened a criminal investigation into the spectacle. This latest sadistic political posturing came at the cost of real people fleeing real persecution, but there is also a crucial piece of this awful puzzle that hasn’t been fully explored. Why did Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents, funded by federal dollars, allegedly forge documents for migrants knowing (even if the migrants themselves didn’t) that their flights were not destined for the locales DHS agents made their immigration proceedings beholden to?

October 28, 2022
Hack Watch: Debunking the Big Budget Bogeyman
It seems pretty incontestable that a big part of the media’s job is “informing the public of things they need to know.” Accordingly, the media’s coverage of how the government spends money is a spectacular example of how it fails. Congress has enabled a vacuum of sensible, accessible information about the appropriations bills it’s supposed to pass each year to fund government activity, and the media has not stepped in to fill the void.
October 26, 2022 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
Politicking Is Storytelling; Stories Need Conflict
Much has been made of recent polls showing the erosion of support for Democrats ahead of the midterms, tied to voters’ profound economic pessimism. As always, wading through the morass of bad takes (looking at you, Ross Douthat) can put many off the task of meaning-making about public political opinion altogether. Our line of thinking in these final weeks before the election remains much the same as it was back in January, when our Jeff Hauser and Max Moran outlined an argument for what Biden’s message should be.

October 24, 2022 | The American Prospect
The Unlikely Origins of the Chamber-Chopra War
Big business could soon get their chance to kill the CFPB for good, thanks in part to former Obama aide William Daley.

October 21, 2022
Big Real Estate's Hackery On Housing
The news media keeps citing industry PR flacks, not tenants, as experts on the housing crisis.

October 21, 2022 | Common Dreams
Kroger Goes From Supermarket to Superpower
Is the corporate media doing a good enough job of explaining the machinations and implications of a merger between the nation’s two largest grocery chains?
October 19, 2022 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
Biodiversity Is A Government Afterthought
Last week, a new comprehensive study of almost 32,000 populations of 5,230 species around the world estimated that wildlife on earth has decreased by almost 70 percent since 1970. The mind can’t really wrap around the scale of loss conveyed by this number.

October 17, 2022
Independent Agency Update Summer 2022
Personnel is policy, which means that the people who make up our federal institutions matter. Which means that the partisan Republican assault on the staffing up of the federal agencies that regulate so much of the public’s everyday life also matters greatly. Unfortunately, as we have highlighted for months and will continue to highlight for as long as it persists, the federal government is being gutted from the inside out by a blockade of overdue qualified leadership.

October 14, 2022 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter.
Hack Watch: Raimondo's Constituency: New York Times Pundits
The Commerce Secretary’s commitment to 90’s centrism has won her support from the Gray Lady, and hostility from actual voters.
October 14, 2022
Omnibus Awareness Month in Review
If Congress regularly met its own deadlines, then October—the first month of the fiscal year—would also be the first month when federal agencies could implement their new and improved budgets. Unfortunately, the modern Congress regularly fails to pass an omnibus spending package for the next fiscal year, which bundles several appropriations bills for different parts of the federal government into one whole-of-government budget, by the end of the previous fiscal year. This autumn is no different.

October 12, 2022
Tenant Organizers Call On Biden To Tackle Rent Inflation
The grassroots Homes Guarantee campaign has an executive branch playbook to protect tenants, but will the Biden administration acquiesce?

October 07, 2022 | Revolving Door Project Substack
Larry Summers And Jason Furman Aren't Really Democrats
Identifying people who don’t support the party’s key policies as Democratic thought leaders only serves to reinforce outmoded center right ideology.

October 07, 2022 | The American Prospect
How Banks Are Defending Their Right To Discriminate
To any normal person, the idea that discrimination might not be “unfair, deceptive, or abusive” is ridiculous.