Our Blog

September 30, 2021
Coalition Calls on DOJ to Give Kanter "Sufficient Independence and Discretion"
We write to you as a broad coalition of organizations committed to holding corporations that engage in anti-competitive behavior accountable. For far too long, Washington has sat by as technology industry giants have accumulated monopoly power at the expense of consumers and competitors alike. The nomination of Jonathan Kanter to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice Antitrust Division is a strong step toward turning President Joe Biden’s vision of an open economy into reality.

September 30, 2021
Powell And Vice Chairs Transacted Millions In 2020, While Brainard Made No Trades
The fact that the Fed’s current leadership team made or benefitted from multimillion dollar transactions contextualizes what we’ve seen at the Boston and Dallas regional banks: Chair Powell has facilitated a broad culture of lax ethical practices at the highest levels of the nation’s central bank.

September 29, 2021 | The American Prospect
How to Vaccinate the World
When United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced this past May that the U.S. would support the TRIPS waiver on COVID-19 vaccines at the World Trade Organization (WTO), we at the Revolving Door Project celebrated the administration’s decision as “a transformative, hopeful event.” The waiver proposal calls on the WTO’s Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Council to suspend intellectual-property protections on COVID-19 therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines to ensure materials necessary for combating the pandemic are “available promptly, in sufficient quantities and at affordable price to meet global demand.”

September 24, 2021
Biden Administration’s Inaction on Vaccine Equity is Cowardly and Shameful
“Over four months after announcing its support for the COVID-19 TRIPS Waiver, the Biden administration’s once promising step towards achieving vaccine equity is proving to be little more than an empty promise. Officials across the administration are cowering in the face of Big Pharma’s insatiable appetite for profit rather than pursuing one of many paths to rapidly ensure equitable access to vaccines worldwide.”

September 23, 2021
Maria Robinson Must Not Promote Methane Gas At DOE
President Biden announced Wednesday that he’s nominated Massachusetts State Representative Maria Robinson to be the Assistant Secretary in the Office of Electricity at the Department of Energy.

September 23, 2021
FERC Nominee Willie Phillips Has a Pro–Corporate Utility Record
In his time on D.C.’s Public Service Commission and before that as a corporate lawyer, Phillips consistently sided with utilities over the public interest.

September 23, 2021
Omarova Appointment Brings Expertise And Independence To Comptroller Role
Professor Omarova has spent over a decade fighting for the belief that the public should set rules for banks, rather than banks setting rules for the public.

September 23, 2021
The Other Ethics Issues At The Fed Regional Banks
Kaplan and Rosengren’s scandals aren’t the only ethics questions surrounding the Fed leadership’s conduct which merit greater scrutiny.

September 17, 2021
The State of Independent Agency Nominations - Update for Summer 2021
Since the start of the year, we have warned that failure to promptly fill vacant and expired seats on independent agency boards would undermine the Biden administration’s agenda across many issue areas. Now, as executive branch policymaking kicks into high gear across this administration, we are seeing examples of this warning becoming a reality.

September 17, 2021
Powell's Carlyle Past Meets The Fed's Ethics Scandal Present
For those less familiar with the Carlyle Group, the private equity firm where Powell was a partner and senior lawyer from 1997 – 2005, here’s a quick overview of their history with capitalizing on political connections and the revolving door.

September 16, 2021
Fed's Powell Must Place Embattled Bank Presidents On Leave, Ethics Watchdogs Write In Letter
It really shouldn’t surprise anyone that a former Carlyle Group executive — a firm whose whole profit strategy is based on exploiting insider connections in the federal government — hasn’t prioritized ethics and oversight in running the nation’s largest stockpile of potentially market-moving information.

September 16, 2021 | The American Prospect
Closing the Revolving Door in Antitrust
Economic consulting firms hire former officials to undermine antitrust efforts. Here’s how to stop that.

September 15, 2021
Do Not Give Gina Raimondo A Promotion
The Commerce Secretary is a dedicated corporate crony. Making her Treasury Secretary would be a catastrophic mistake.

September 10, 2021
Blog Post Executive BranchFederal ReserveFinancial RegulationIndependent AgenciesLarry SummersMatt Yglesias
A Brief Taxonomy Of Bad Jerome Powell Arguments
Even when these pundits have the facts right, their actual argumentation is still pretty weak.

September 09, 2021
Northwestern University Must Change Ethics Regime To Disclose Professors' Big Tech Ties, Letter Argues
The letter calls on the university to implement fair disclosure requirements for its faculty and condemn the unethical practices of former Pritzker Dean Dr. Daniel Rodriguez.