Department of Justice

June 04, 2024

Andrea Beaty Vishal Shankar

Press Release

Corporate CrackdownDepartment of JusticeHousing

RELEASE: Justice’s Raid of Cortland Management Hopefully Foretells an Energized Crackdown on Price-Fixing

The DOJ’s raid on Cortland is an encouraging sign that the Biden administration is taking the threat of price-fixing in the rental market seriously. While President Biden’s housing platform is focused on the ever-important housing supply issue, increasing supply alone will not decrease rents when large swaths of the market are colluding instead of competing. Biden must call out corporations like RealPage and Cortland and their senior executives by name for their apparent rent-gouging and leaving American families in desperate straits.

May 28, 2024

Andrea Beaty Jeff Hauser

Letter Anti-MonopolyDepartment of JusticeTech

Letter to Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco on Off-the-Record Meeting with Senior Tech Execs

On May 28th 2024, the Revolving Door Project sent a letter to the office of Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco expressing concern over her recently reported off-the-record meeting with senior tech company executives. The Revolving Door Project called on DAG Monaco to publicly disclose who she met with, what was discussed, and permanently discontinue holding private meetings that may sow public distrust of the Department of Justice.

May 01, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown

Newsletter Congressional OversightCriminal JusticeDepartment of JusticeEthics in Government

Merrick Garland’s Delay May Mean Justice Denied

Last week, the Supreme Court mulled over whether the former president (the “very stable genius” who pushed a “miracle cure” for COVID later tied to 17,000 avoidable deaths) should be prescribed his own miracle cure: presidential immunity for the crimes he is charged with committing while in office. 

October 26, 2023

Andrea Beaty

FOIA RequestPress Release

Anti-MonopolyDepartment of JusticeTech

RELEASE: Watchdog Group Requests Communications Between DOJ Officials And Google Defender Paul Weiss

Following news coverage that Yelp and the News/Media Alliance filed an unsuccessful motion to take BigLaw firm Paul Weiss off Google’s defense team in the adtech antitrust case brought by the DOJ, the Revolving Door Project submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request for communications between Paul Weiss and key Department of Justice officials. The American Prospect featured the request in their coverage of Google’s attempts to remove DOJ Antitrust Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter from the case, as well as Paul Weiss’ potential conflicts.