
May 10, 2024

Fatou Ndiaye

Blog Post Climate and EnvironmentFEMAGovernment CapacityHealthIRS

Four executive branch agencies that desperately need more funding and staffing

Across the federal government, we continue to see how staffing issues are preventing agencies from fulfilling their mandate, at the expense of the public and to the benefit of corporate wrongdoers. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are 4 agencies that desperately need more funding and staffing to protect and do right by the American people.

February 06, 2024

Timi Iwayemi

Public Comment

Department of CommerceExecutive BranchHealthPharma

Civil Society Comment on the Draft Interagency Guidance Framework for Considering the Exercise of March-In Rights

Unfortunately, despite numerous petitions presented over the 40-plus year history of the Bayh-Dole Act, not once has a federal agency exercised its right to march-in and license competition to remedy price gouging (which constitutes a failure of the owner of a subject invention to make that invention available to the public on reasonable terms), or otherwise.

September 27, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

KJ Boyle

Newsletter Climate and EnvironmentCorporate CrackdownGovernment CapacityHealth

New Watchdog Reports Highlight Insufficient EPA Enforcement Ahead Of Shutdown

Corporate greed and emaciated federal regulatory capacity means people are needlessly suffering physically, and sometimes even dying. That’s the upshot of two recent reports from the EPA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG). These reports illustrate the concerning state of environmental regulation and enforcement in regards to water quality and refinery emissions. 

September 18, 2023

Hannah Story Brown Dorothy Slater

Press Release Climate and EnvironmentExecutive BranchHealth

RELEASE: White House Should Deepen Its New Recognition of the Environmental Salience of Its Cancer Moonshot Initiative

The White House announced late last week that the Environmental Protection Agency is launching as part of the Biden administration’s Cancer Moonshot efforts, and will share new information about the EPA’s role in leveraging its existing authorities to “accelerate the rate of progress to prevent cancer, including phase-outs of carcinogens, regulatory actions to protect children, workers and overburdened communities, and enforcement actions to ensure pollution is curbed.” 

September 01, 2023

Ananya Kalahasti Will Royce

Press Release Ethics in GovernmentHealthJudiciaryPharma

RELEASE: Judge Invested in Big Pharma Shouldn't Try Case on Big Pharma Profiteering

The Revolving Door Project’s Ananya Kalahasti and Will Royce released the following statement regarding the US Chamber of Commerce’s lawsuit regarding the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare prescription drug negotiation program, and a financial conflict of interest regarding the judge in the Southern District of Ohio.

February 08, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown Ananya Kalahasti


Corporate CrackdownEthics in GovernmentHealthRevolving Door

Will the White House Let Covid Vaccine Prices Skyrocket?

Since the early days of the pandemic, the federal government has been pre-purchasing Covid vaccines at an average cost of around $20 per dose (around $29 per dose for the bivalent boosters) to ensure public access to vaccination at no cost. However, with Congress no longer willing to fund Covid treatment, the Biden administration has indicated that it intends to end the Covid public health emergency in May, and more or less hand over control of Covid prevention to the healthcare industry.