August 13, 2024
The Corporate Revolvers Who Hurt the Biden Admin: Benjamin Mizer
Joe Biden appointees with extensive ties to big business did real damage to his agenda; Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris should not make the same mistake.

August 13, 2024
The Corporate Revolvers Who Hurt the Biden Admin: Lisa Monaco
Joe Biden appointees with extensive ties to big business did real damage to his agenda; Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris should not make the same mistake.

July 31, 2024
RELEASE: Jay Powell Is Trying To Get Donald Trump Elected
Every economic indicator is pointing to the need for an immediate interest rate cut. The Fed is supposed to act in accordance with available data irrespective of potential political impacts. So why isn’t it?

July 25, 2024
HackwatchNewsletter 2024 ElectionAnti-MonopolyCatherine RampellCorporate CrackdownHousingKamala HarrisMatt YglesiasMedia Accountability
Kamala Harris Must Ignore Corporate Landlord Apologists and Double Down On Protecting Tenants
President Biden’s proposal to cap rents brought the neoliberal hacks and Big Real Estate propagandists out of the woodwork, but that shouldn’t stop Harris from adopting—and expanding—upon what tenants desperately need.
June 26, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
A Trump Administration Postmortem for the 2024 Election Season
How much do you remember about what politics was like under President Donald Trump? I would not blame you for putting Trump’s parade of scandals in the rearview mirror. But we have to look again, because that clown show is still on the road. It’s in our blind spot, endeavoring to pull ahead.
June 11, 2024 | Slate
The Worst Possible Trump Attorney General Is the One He’d Be Likeliest to Pick
Donald Trump’s Department of Justice was a nightmare. Jeff Sessions, Trump’s first attorney general, dismantled civil rights and civil liberties protections, instituted heinously cruel border policies, and vociferously attacked the right to vote. William Barr, Sessions’s ignominious successor, then used his time at DOJ’s helm to overtly weaponize the department against voters and Trump’s political opponents.

June 05, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
Trump Is The Corporate Convict Candidate
Trump now holds the unique honor of being the first United States president convicted of a felony. This is a golden opportunity for the Biden campaign to highlight the glaring distinction between the candidates: Trump is a corporate criminal hellbent on using the presidency to further the interests of himself and other corporate criminals. President Biden has leveraged executive branch power to dismantle criminal practices that pad the pockets of corporations. After some initial hesitancy to touch on Trump’s conviction, Biden rightly appears poised to make this a forefront issue in the campaign.

May 13, 2024
RELEASE: Biden Inexplicably Failing to Vilify GOP Mega-Donor Who Colluded With OPEC to Raise Gas Prices
Jeffrey Zients and Anita Dunn must start behaving like competent political operatives and lead the Biden Administration to condemn Scott Sheffield daily.

May 10, 2024
Biden Can Run & Win on Big Oil GOP Donors Colluding to Raise Gas Prices
The FTC’s revelation of an oil price-fixing scheme by GOP donors and foreign powers places blame for economic pain where it belongs: on the profit-maximizing fossil fuel industry.

April 15, 2024
Unpacking The Federal Executive Branch, A Conversation With Vanderbilt University Professor David Lewis
Coverage of presidential elections typically hones in on contestants’ competing legislative visions, which in truth, tend to morph considerably when hit by the reality of an intransigent Congress. This prompts an important question: are presidential elections overrated? Well, before drawing that conclusion, consider one of the underrated consequences of a federal election: the potential for a new administration to alter the management of the federal workforce and the operations of individual departments within the executive branch. Although journalists eschew reporting of these consequences in favor of (legislatively focused) policy platforms and rallies, there is a wide body of academic research which investigates the impact of presidential administrations on the federal executive branch’s ability and capacity to fulfill its roles and responsibilities.

March 25, 2024 | Slate
Why Biden Should Pardon the IRS Whistleblower Who Leaked Trump’s Taxes
Biden can make billionaire corruption a defining issue of the 2024 presidential race.

March 08, 2024
HackwatchNewsletter 2024 ElectionAnti-MonopolyCatherine RampellConsumer ProtectionDepartment of JusticeDepartment of TransportationFTCHousing
A Decade-Long Week And SOTU Thoughts
This week’s Hack Watch recaps some economic stories you may have missed, plus our initial reaction to Biden’s big speech.

February 02, 2024 | The American Prospect
Biden Should Begin the Tax Wars Now
He needs to highlight his positions against the Republicans’. And not give away too much in interim deals.

September 06, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
Cracking Down on Judicial Corruption & Celebrating Pro-Labor Rulemaking
With Labor Day now behind us, Hot Labor Summer has come to a scorching end, but the labor movement is alive and well with several heavyweight bouts looming on the horizon. This transition time is the perfect moment to take stock of the Biden administration’s labor allyship — applauding recent rulemaking efforts, highlighting some shortcomings, and previewing some potential labor strikes coming this fall.