April 18, 2023 | The New Republic
2020 Election/TransitionClimate and EnvironmentDepartment of JusticeEthics in GovernmentGovernanceRevolving Door
The Ghost of a Trump Appointee Is Haunting Merrick Garland’s Justice Department
Tracing Clark’s lingering impact on ongoing litigation makes clear that the legacy of Trump’s Justice Department still haunts our governance and that failing to treat his cronies like the menace they are is worsening outcomes across the country. In some cases, Attorney General Merrick Garland is still carrying forward with the arguments Clark helped shape. In others, the Justice Department and its client agencies are at a critical juncture of having to decide whether to break from past positions or maintain continuity with positions they adopted during the Trump administration.
April 12, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
This Era of Elite Impunity Must End
What is it called when one of the nine most powerful judges in the U.S.—a man whose title is literally Justice—has routinely accepted secret private jet rides and luxury yacht vacations from a billionaire right-wing mega-donor for over two decades? What does it mean that this was not disclosed, in violation of the Ethics in Government Act? If the ruling class wants the public to believe that the rule of law means anything to them, then the answer must be “breaking the law,” necessitating investigations, trials, and professional consequences.

April 10, 2023 | The American Prospect
If The Law Is Legitimate, Clarence Thomas Must Stand Trial
There is no reasonable ambiguity about this. If the ProPublica reporting is accurate, Thomas has knowingly and brazenly violated federal ethics law for decades.

April 06, 2023
We Have Always Been Right About Jerome Powell
Despite years of our best advice, and indeed the better judgments of Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other progressives in Congress, government watchdogs like Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) and others, nearly one year ago President Joe Biden disappointed his responsibility to the public and to his own economic agenda by renominating Donald Trump’s hand picked head of the Fed: Jerome Powell. Biden bafflingly stuck by Powell despite his years of betraying labor unions, environmental groups and frontline communities, and the middle class. As a result, broad coalitions of folks concerned about the climate crisis, about the long term safety and stability of our financial system, about attacks on labor and the working class, about housing insecurity and the long term impacts of the pandemic, mobilized against Powell’s renomination because his storied track record of, well, making each of these things (and more!) worse.

April 06, 2023
House Should Impeach, Durbin Must Investigate Justice Thomas For Ethics Violations
No one can reasonably retain a shred of benefit of the doubt in the face of this evidence.

March 25, 2023 | Common Dreams
Steven Rattner's Not Afraid Of Work From Home, He's Afraid Of Worker Power
American workers have just started getting the barest minimum of a few lucky breaks. But that is terrifying to Rattner and his fellow moguls, so they need some sort of rational argument for why these bare scraps of power are actually bad for everyone.

March 22, 2023
Press Release Economic MediaEthics in GovernmentHack WatchLarry SummersMarc GoldweinMaya MacGuineasRevolving DoorSteven Rattner
Ethics Watchdog Launches "Hack Watch" Website Tracking Media Analysts
Larry Summers, Steven Rattner, Marc Goldwein, Maya MacGuineas Among Top Targets

March 15, 2023
RELEASE: Michael Barr's Fintech Partnerships May Cloud Judgment Of SVB Autopsy
As of now, Barr is assigned to investigate supervisory failures that occurred under his watch featuring a bank that catered in particular to the crypto and fintech industries which Barr was so active in immediately prior to revolving back into government. Barr is a walking conflict of interest. His central role in the investigation is damning

March 13, 2023 | The American Prospect
President Biden Should Get Rid of Trump Holdovers
It’s been over 764 days since Donald Trump left the White House, yet his legacy still – even years into Biden’s own term – continues to pervade our highest echelons of government.

March 12, 2023 | Common Dreams
Wilson’s Parting Shots Draw Attention To Her Actual Conflicts of Interest
Christine Wilson leaving the FTC is good news for anyone who cares about effective antitrust enforcement. A quintessential revolving door figure, Wilson’s tenure was only useful to her job prospects once she decided it was time to leave the FTC.

March 06, 2023 | The American Prospect
Rumored Fed Nominee Thinks Tim Geithner Did Right By Homeowners
Eberly and her co-author, fellow economist Arvind Krishnamurthy, find that Geithner’s policies were excellent, and his biggest critics should shut up.

March 03, 2023
Media Continues To Rehabilitate Disgraced Former Fed Vice Chair
Insider-trading can’t keep Powell’s right-hand man from becoming CNBC’s new favorite expert.

February 23, 2023
Biden Must Retract World Bank Nomination Immediately
“Neither private equity, nor Mastercard, nor Citigroup, nor PepsiCo, nor Nestlé, nor Dow promote shared prosperity.”
February 17, 2023 | RDP Newsletter