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June 11, 2024 | Slate

Toni Aguilar Rosenthal Jeff Hauser


2024 ElectionExecutive BranchState Attorneys General

The Worst Possible Trump Attorney General Is the One He’d Be Likeliest to Pick

Donald Trump’s Department of Justice was a nightmare. Jeff Sessions, Trump’s first attorney general, dismantled civil rights and civil liberties protections, instituted heinously cruel border policies, and vociferously attacked the right to vote. William Barr, Sessions’s ignominious successor, then used his time at DOJ’s helm to overtly weaponize the department against voters and Trump’s political opponents.

June 05, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

KJ Boyle

Newsletter 2024 ElectionCorporate Crackdown

Trump Is The Corporate Convict Candidate

Trump now holds the unique honor of being the first United States president convicted of a felony. This is a golden opportunity for the Biden campaign to highlight the glaring distinction between the candidates: Trump is a corporate criminal hellbent on using the presidency to further the interests of himself and other corporate criminals. President Biden has leveraged executive branch power to dismantle criminal practices that pad the pockets of corporations. After some initial hesitancy to touch on Trump’s conviction, Biden rightly appears poised to make this a forefront issue in the campaign.

June 04, 2024

Andrea Beaty Vishal Shankar

Press Release

Corporate CrackdownDepartment of JusticeHousing

RELEASE: Justice’s Raid of Cortland Management Hopefully Foretells an Energized Crackdown on Price-Fixing

The DOJ’s raid on Cortland is an encouraging sign that the Biden administration is taking the threat of price-fixing in the rental market seriously. While President Biden’s housing platform is focused on the ever-important housing supply issue, increasing supply alone will not decrease rents when large swaths of the market are colluding instead of competing. Biden must call out corporations like RealPage and Cortland and their senior executives by name for their apparent rent-gouging and leaving American families in desperate straits.

May 28, 2024

Andrea Beaty Jeff Hauser

Letter Anti-MonopolyDepartment of JusticeTech

Letter to Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco on Off-the-Record Meeting with Senior Tech Execs

On May 28th 2024, the Revolving Door Project sent a letter to the office of Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco expressing concern over her recently reported off-the-record meeting with senior tech company executives. The Revolving Door Project called on DAG Monaco to publicly disclose who she met with, what was discussed, and permanently discontinue holding private meetings that may sow public distrust of the Department of Justice.

May 24, 2024

Ethan Alcock Andrea Beaty

Blog Post Housing

 Real Estate Industry Attacks LIHTC Rent Cap Win

On April 1, the Biden administration announced that it would move to cap rent hikes in Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) properties to 10%. The new regulations from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are a historic step that will protect millions of tenants in LIHTC properties across the country from egregious rent hikes. Unsurprisingly, the real estate industry is none too pleased about this major new pro-tenant policy.    

May 22, 2024

Emma Marsano

Blog PostNewsletter

Anti-MonopolyClimate and EnvironmentCryptocurrencyExecutive Branch

RDP Work Round-Up: Memorial Day Edition

As we head into Memorial Day Weekend, we’re taking some time to review recent work at Revolving Door Project—boosting pieces we want to make sure readers here see, and staying focused on priority areas for our team. Here’s hoping the extra time in your week gives you some space to go down a revolving rabbit hole (or two) with us, whether on the crypto industry’s continuing efforts to influence how they’re regulated, or on Scott Sheffield, the former fossil fuel CEO engaged in an oil price-fixing scheme. 

May 15, 2024 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Andrea Beaty Jeff Hauser


Anti-MonopolyClimate and EnvironmentCorporate CrackdownGovernanceGovernment Capacity

Pioneer’s Price Fixing Scandal Is Yet Another Reason We Need To Fully Fund Antitrust Enforcers

Major corporate scandals make the consequences of Republican-led budget cuts at antitrust enforcement agencies even clearer. Crucially, they serve as reminders that the federal government’s ability to combat the ill effects of monopolization rises and falls in direct proportion to funding, even when motivated and creative leadership are at the helm.