Corporate Crackdown

February 28, 2024

Emma Marsano

Newsletter Corporate CrackdownExecutive Branch

Government Shutdown Threats Allow GOP to Signal to Corporate Cronies It’s Open Season on Consumers

We’re staring down a familiar deadline this week: On Friday, if Congress doesn’t pass a spending bill, we’ll enter a partial government shutdown. And if they pass a short term continuing resolution… we’ll have just kicked the can a few weeks down the increasingly potholed (due to inadequate maintenance) road.

November 29, 2023

Emma Marsano

Newsletter Climate and EnvironmentCorporate CrackdownHousingLarry SummersTech

Biden Administration Remains Split Over Fighting Concentrated Corporate Power

This week’s newsletter looks at executive branch attempts to counteract concentrated corporate power across our focus areas – from consumer protection in Big Tech, to housing, to climate regulation. While the FTC and DOJ antitrust division continue to be present in important fights to support consumers and tenants, proactive climate policy continues to be absent, as Biden’s rhetoric regarding challenging climate change rings hollow in areas where the president has considerable discretion.