December 21, 2023
You're A Mean One, Mr. DeJoy
How the Grinchmaster General stole Christmas (and how to get it back).

December 14, 2023 | The American Prospect
Kenny Stancil Dylan Gyauch-Lewis
Op-Ed Ethics in GovernmentFederal ReserveFinancial RegulationIndependent Agencies
Corporate Headhunters Shouldn’t Control Who Can Be a Fed Reserve Bank President
We need a democratic process for appointing leaders of regional Fed banks.

December 09, 2023
PODCAST: RDP's Vishal Shankar Talks DeJoy, USPS On The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
RDP Senior Researcher Vishal Shankar joins the Ralph Nader Radio Hour to discuss Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s ongoing sabotage of the Postal Service.
December 05, 2023
Advocacy Groups Urge Small Businesses To Cease Partnerships With Monopolies
The Washington Post featured a letter sent by the Revolving Door Project and 12 other advocacy groups urging the SBA to cease its partnerships with monopolies for NSBW 2024.

December 01, 2023
HackwatchNewsletter BankingCongressional OversightConsumer ProtectionFinancial RegulationIndependent Agencies
Wall Street’s Favorite Republicans Are Still Attacking The CFPB
These corporate shills are not “positive pragmatists”, no matter what the mainstream media tells you.

November 16, 2023
Postal Board Suppresses Public Comments To Advance DeJoy’s Destructive Agenda
The Biden-majority Board is shielding DeJoy from accountability by silencing the public.

October 02, 2023 | The American Prospect
Op-Ed Consumer ProtectionEthics in GovernmentFinancial RegulationIndependent AgenciesJudiciarySupreme Court
Clarence Thomas Has Yet Another Huge Conflict of Interest
Revolving Door Project research reveals that right-wing elites in the Horatio Alger Association stand to benefit from a lawsuit attempting to destroy the CFPB. The group has close ties to Clarence Thomas.

September 28, 2023
Blog Post Consumer ProtectionEthics in GovernmentFinancial RegulationIndependent AgenciesJudiciarySupreme Court
Everything You Should Know About The CFPB SCOTUS Case
Corporate predators and their Republican lackeys want our corrupt Supreme Court to make fraud legal again. Their greed could yield catastrophic economic damage.

September 25, 2023
Press Release Consumer ProtectionEthics in GovernmentFinancial RegulationIndependent AgenciesJudiciarySupreme Court
Clarence Thomas Must Recuse From Koch-Backed CFPB SCOTUS Case
Corrupt Supreme Court Justice should not participate in case that would benefit his wealthy benefactors.

September 21, 2023
Disgraced Revolving Door Republicans Back Payday Lender Attack On CFPB
Trent Lott, Tom Price, John Boehner and other corporate shills are back to rip you off again.

September 06, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter
Cracking Down on Judicial Corruption & Celebrating Pro-Labor Rulemaking
With Labor Day now behind us, Hot Labor Summer has come to a scorching end, but the labor movement is alive and well with several heavyweight bouts looming on the horizon. This transition time is the perfect moment to take stock of the Biden administration’s labor allyship — applauding recent rulemaking efforts, highlighting some shortcomings, and previewing some potential labor strikes coming this fall.

August 16, 2023
Louis DeJoy Is Not A Climate Ally
DeJoy remains the single biggest impediment to getting a fully electric and union-built postal fleet.

August 03, 2023
Blog Post BankingCampaign FinanceCongressional OversightConsumer ProtectionFinancial RegulationIndependent Agencies
Why Does Thom Tillis Love Junk Fees?
Because his corporate donors profit from them.

July 18, 2023
Toni Aguilar Rosenthal Ananya Kalahasti
Blog Post Confirmations CrisisExecutive BranchIndependent Agencies
Independent Agency Spotlight Update: Summer 2023
This past spring gave us a slow rate of nominations from the White House and a similarly glacial pace of confirmations from a Senate that has been plagued with an utterly dysfunctional confirmations system.

July 17, 2023 | The American Prospect
The Climate Denialist Think Tank That Might Produce The Next FTC Commissioner
It turns out that radical ideology IS allowed at the FTC.