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November 08, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown

Newsletter Climate and EnvironmentExecutive BranchMedia Accountability

We Can’t Afford Supply Side Liberals’ Climate Strategy

All that this administration has done to make renewables easier and cheaper to build in this country is threatened by the administration’s simultaneous willingness to let U.S. fossil fuel companies continue to extract the massive reserves of oil and gas still in the ground, and, increasingly, to export it abroad. We share one global atmosphere. There is no decarbonizing America—no avoiding climate change reshaping the possibilities for life on this planet—without keeping our massive oil and gas reserves in the ground. 

November 03, 2023

Chris Lewis


Hurricane Fain: A Post Mortem Of The Coverage Of The UAW Strikes

In this week’s Hack Watch, we look back at some of the worst coverage the United Auto Workers (UAW) endured while fighting for improved working conditions, higher wages, and stronger benefits. From Steve Ratner to Jim Cramer, media figures (and industry officials) maligned the union and the “boss” Shawn “Hurricane” Fain. Now the strike is over, it’s time we really take a look at some of the terrible coverage the strikes got. 

November 01, 2023

Hannah Story Brown

Blog Post

Climate and Environment

Utilities Are Increasingly Passing Premiums for “Certified” Gas Onto Consumers Across The Country 

Our recent inquiry into whether utilities around the country are paying premiums for purchasing “certified,” “differentiated,” or “responsibly sourced” natural gas—and if so, whether they are passing on those higher prices to customers—has uncovered a significant uptick in utilities seeking these gas options and passing on the costs to ratepayers. You can find our research document here.

October 26, 2023

Andrea Beaty

FOIA RequestPress Release

Anti-MonopolyDepartment of JusticeTech

RELEASE: Watchdog Group Requests Communications Between DOJ Officials And Google Defender Paul Weiss

Following news coverage that Yelp and the News/Media Alliance filed an unsuccessful motion to take BigLaw firm Paul Weiss off Google’s defense team in the adtech antitrust case brought by the DOJ, the Revolving Door Project submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request for communications between Paul Weiss and key Department of Justice officials. The American Prospect featured the request in their coverage of Google’s attempts to remove DOJ Antitrust Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter from the case, as well as Paul Weiss’ potential conflicts.