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January 04, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown

Newsletter Corporate CrackdownDepartment of TransportationExecutive BranchFood and Drug AdministrationLarry Summers

These Airline Meltdowns Aren’t Inevitable

As 2022 ends and 2023 begins with record-breaking winter heat blanketing Europe and much of the south and north-eastern United States—68°F and humid in DC, in January!—climate change is in the air, if not on the legislative agenda. We expect that much of the hard-won climate progress in the next year will be in executive branch implementation and regulation, alongside state-level legislation and court cases.

December 21, 2022

Hannah Story Brown Andrea Beaty Dorothy Slater Dylan Gyauch-Lewis Julian Scoffield KJ Boyle Max Moran Timi Iwayemi Toni Aguilar Rosenthal

Newsletter Ethics in GovernmentExecutive BranchLarry SummersRevolving Door

RDP’s 150th Newsletter: Our 2022 Revolving Door Superlatives

How better to mark the darkest day of the year than with a bit of dark humor? This winter solstice, we present our 2022 Revolving Door Superlatives, where we spotlight the most craven, captured, and corrupt personnel and policy debates of this past year. From Revolver of the Year to 2022’s Worst Look to our Biggest Personnel Nightmare Entering 2023, we have a positively ghoulish assemblage of honorees for your perverse reading pleasure. Take comfort, dear reader, in this at least: the days are only getting longer from here on out. 

December 20, 2022

Kalimah Muhammad

Blog Post 2024 ElectionHousing

A Tenant Reckoning at the Polls: How Housing Played in The Midterms

While the Democratic Party celebrates holding on to the Senate, the 2022 midterms also tested the growing momentum around tenant’s protections with incredible success. In a survey of more than 12,200 Americans who voted in the 2022 election, polling revealed that across all racial and ethnic groups, inflation and the rising cost of living was the most important issue for the President and Congress to address. A key driver of inflation, per economic analysis by People’s Action and the Groundwork Collaborative, is sky-high rents – accounting for one third of the Consumer Price Index.

December 19, 2022 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Emma Marsano

Hack WatchNewsletter

Climate and EnvironmentEthics in GovernmentHack WatchRevolving Door

Meet the former Biden Advisor Using “Climate Advocacy” as a Trojan Horse for Corporate Interests

With the Senate’s rejection of Senator Joe Manchin’s permitting reform legislation as a notable exception, last week was a bad one for fossil fuel disasters and corporate accountability. In Kansas, a Keystone pipeline leak caused the largest US crude oil spill in a decade. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, investigators found ongoing gas leaks in Equitrans’ pipeline storage facilities that released massive amounts of methane in November — enough to erase 50% of emission gains from US electric vehicles sales this year.