Congressional Oversight

December 06, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown


Climate and EnvironmentCongressional OversightEthics in GovernmentRight-Wing Media

The “Billionaire Matchmaker” and his Bad Amici

How does one right-wing activist get his worst ideas to appear in the legal decisions of the most powerful judges in America? A bombshell Politico investigation this week has the answers on how rightwing activist and “billionaire matchmaker” Leonard Leo managed to influence the outcome of several of the Supreme Court’s highest-profile and most damaging decisions over the past two years.

August 30, 2023 | Revolving Door Project Newsletter

Hannah Story Brown

Newsletter AgricultureClimate and EnvironmentCongressional OversightExecutive Branch

The Forest Service: In Service of Logging Companies Since 1905

The roughly 35,800 employees of the federal Forest Service, housed within the Department of Agriculture, are responsible for managing 193,000,000 acres of national forests. The mission of the Forest Service is to “sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.” Yet time and time again, the Forest Service has betrayed this mission in order to service the profit-driven ends of the timber industry, prioritizing commercial timber extraction over recreation and conservation, and ignoring the essential role intact forests play in mitigating our ongoing biodiversity and climate crises. 

August 29, 2023

Chris Lewis

Blog Post Congressional OversightDepartment of Homeland SecurityEthics in Government

The Inaction Of The Obama Administration Got Us Here In Florida

A few days ago, a white supremacist murdered three innocent Black people at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville. Like the shooter in Buffalo and Dylann Roof in Charleston, he had a manifesto that espoused white nationalist talking points and conspiracy theories. The prevalence of racist attacks in recent years underscores the alarming rise of right-wing domestic terrorism in the United States. The problem I want to address is: Who at the highest levels of government is to blame for this?