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January 16, 2024

Hannah Story Brown


Climate and EnvironmentExecutive Branch

147 Groups Call On EPA To Use Clean Air Act Powers to Refer PNW Pipeline Approval to CEQ For Review

On January 16, Bloomberg covered a letter from 147 groups that the Revolving Door Project co-organized with the Center for Biological Diversity and Columbia Riverkeeper, calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to utilize its Clean Air Act Section 309 powers to refer the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s approval of the GTN Xpress pipeline expansion to the White House Council on Environmental Quality for review. FERC’s approval of the pipeline disregarded both the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and legally-binding state-level decarbonization commitments in Washington and Oregon.

January 12, 2024

Henry Burke

Hack Watch Artificial IntelligenceCryptocurrencyLarry SummersMedia Accountability

AI Evangelists Won’t Stop Highlighting The Danger Of Their Technology. Can 2024 Be The Year Journalists Stop Parroting Their Claims?

The zero-interest-rate epoch of Silicon Valley is over, and with it, startup grifters are working overtime to ensure their promises of technological revolution are worthy of investment. Can the media learn something from the crypto bubble and start interrogating those espousing revolutionary technological progress?

January 09, 2024

Ananya Kalahasti

Blog Post GovernanceIndependent Agencies

Independent Agency Spotlight Update January 2024

This summer saw an extremely slow rate of independent agency nominations coming from the White House, and witnessed also a similarly glacial pace of confirmations emerging from the Senate. While this trend got slightly better over the course of the fall, with the Senate finally making significant movement on the nominations already presented before it, few new nominations have emerged from the White House since July 18, 2023.  

December 20, 2023

Hannah Story Brown

Blog Post

Climate and EnvironmentExecutive BranchRevolving Door

Rahm Emanuel, LNG Ambassador To Japan

The pressure on the Biden administration to stop the rapid ongoing expansion of liquified natural gas (LNG) export infrastructure in the United States is intensifying. Over 300 organizations released a letter at COP28 demanding that the administration halt the planned build-out of LNG facilities. 60 Democrats in Congress wrote a letter demanding that the Energy Department reassess whether new LNG terminals were in the national interest. The Hill reported that the Biden administration’s continued support for LNG exports was causing a “revolt” within the Democratic party.